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The VDU patches below will update certified libraries on Edition 20 to 36/24.

* To download individual libraries or patches, right-click on the link and choose 'Save Target As' (for IE) or 'Save Link As' (for Netscape). To download multiple files at once, use the checkboxes to select the files, and click the 'Download' button at the bottom of the list. Once the files have been downloaded, the user must use Winzip 9.0 or earlier editions to extract from the .zip files.



*Rows highlighted below in this color are cancelled libraries since the latest New Edition.*
*Rows highlighted below in this color are new libraries available with the latest New Edition.*

IMPORTANT: As of 15 November 2021, NGA's Maritime Safety Office no longer supports DNC VDU UNIX patches. If you have questions or concerns please contact NGA via the Maritime Quality Feedback System (MQFS)

Number Name Download
full library
Download VDU Patch
Download VDU Patch 
Cancelled or
New Libraries
     N/A NtM
GEN27A East Siberian Sea and Anadyrskiy Zaliv, Russia N/A   Windows
       1.6 MB
N/A -
GEN27B Bering Strait, Chukchi Sea, Beaufort Sea N/A   Windows
       1.5 MB
N/A -
GEN27C Beaufort Sea, Canadian Arctic Ocean N/A   Windows
       2.9 KB
N/A -